3 Jul 2016  •  Podcasts, Our News  •  2min read By  • Practice Plan

Meet your Bodcast hosts!

Every episode of Bodcast, the business of dentistry podcast, is hosted by one of our fantastic hosts who each have a wealth of knowledge and experience in helping you to develop and sustain a profitable business!

Here’s a little more about each host to help you to get to know them!

Nigel Jones – Sales and Marketing Director

Hosting – The Future of Dentistry Nigel Jones
Nigel is the Sales and Marketing Director at Practice and has over 24 years in the dental industry and safely guided many dentists through the NHS contract reform in 2006. Having been on Practice Plan’s board of directors since 2008, Nigel continues to offer dentists and dental teams advice on how to strategically steer and successfully run their business. Nigel will be hosting the episodes of Bodcast which focus upon the future of dentistry.


Les Jones – Creative Director

Les JonesHosting – Marketing Your Dental Practice
Not only is Les Creative Director at Practice Plan but he is also a professional designer, photographer and business speaker with over 30 years’ experience in branding and marketing. He has been working specifically within the dental industry since 2010, helping dentists increase their profits and sales through the development of powerful collateral and the implementation of simple and effective marketing techniques. Les will be hosting all episodes of Bodcast around how to market your dental practice.

Zoe Close – Area Sales Manager

Zoe Close

Hosting – Practice Management and Team Development and Effective Plan Management
With over 15 years’ experience working within the dental industry as a business manager, Zoe has a wealth of knowledge and experience in running a successful and profitable dental practice. Zoe will be the host of two of the Bodcast themes: the practice management and team development and effective plan management.


To find out more about Bodcast, click here!


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