David Houston is joint principal of a mini-corporate and successfully combines one of the largest NHS contracts in the UK with a thriving private provision within his practice. Nigel Jones caught up with him to learn more about how his business model works, the role his 34 associates take within the business and how he balances private and NHS dentistry on such a large scale.
What you’ll learn today:
- How David’s business model is structured and the changes it’s undergone since 2006
- The role associates take within the practice and how progression works
- How the private and NHS parts of the business fit together
About David Houston:
David is the joint practice principal of the Houston Group of dental practices which includes the UK’s largest single-site practice. He has authored over 50 articles for the dental press, spoken at BACD Annual Scientific meeting and World Aesthetic Congress, and is a former clinical governance lead for North Somerset Primary Care Trust.
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