9 May 2014  •  Marketing and Design, Practice Management  •  3min read By  • Emma Sillars

The Price Is Right!

The importance of positioning your prices correctly (as well as making sure you’re meeting GDC standards) – a handy tip from Regional Support Manager, Emma Sillars.

Last year, a new series of GDC standards were released for the dental team and there is one particular point which relates to costs:

Standard 2.4: You must give patients clear information about costs

2.4.1 You must make sure that a simple price list is clearly displayed in your reception or waiting area. This should include a list of basic items including a consultation, a single-surface filling, an extraction, radiographs (bitewing or pan-oral) and treatment provided by the hygienist. For items which may vary in cost, a ‘from–to’ price range can be shown.

If you have a practice membership plan, a price list acts as a great tool to show your patients how much value they can get from being on your plan. By including a column to show the cost of being on your practice’s plan and the saving they make compared to paying private pay-as-you-go fees, it makes the value clear.  This can also be a great way to start a conversation about becoming a member of your practice, as almost every patient will be interested in learning how they can save money. What’s more, for those patients who are already members, it’s a good reminder of how much value the plan is.

A lot of practices don’t include a column on their price list to show the saving for plan members, but I think this is vital. How many times have we bought something (normally shoes in my case!) and when we’re telling someone else about the purchase, we say ‘I saved £30 on these’ rather than ‘they cost me £50’? Wouldn’t it be nice for patients to leave your practice thinking to themselves that they saved £80, rather than feeling slightly depressed that they just paid £320 for a crown (because let’s face it, most people don’t like having to spend money on dental treatment)?

Something to think about…

Are you a Practice Plan customer? We can create a price list which is tailored to your practice fees for you to display in your practice, and for free*! If you’re interested in taking advantage of this great offer, please contact your Regional Support Manager.


*Limitations apply to quantities and sizes

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