Are your team working together to meet their fullest potential? If not then read on to find out Emma John’s five top tips on how you can get your team working together more effectively.
Tip 1 – Successful relationships only survive if values are shared, believed and agreed upon.
Shared values not only help to build an effective team but they also help to establish its culture, rules and policies.
Values such as honesty, respect, integrity, team commitment to each other, and commitment to the practice’s success are key here and it’s vital that the whole team agrees to these values and are prepared to work to maintain them.
Tip 2 – A true team is focused on a common purpose.
By sharing your vision you’re encouraging team members to work with each other and support one another, helping to enhance the work they do and reach the desired result.
To reach the ultimate goal, your team are likely to stumble upon obstacles which gives every member of your team an opportunity to grow personally, professionally and as a practice.
Practices with motivated, focused and empowered teams produce excellent results where patient satisfaction is high and there are increased financial rewards.
Tip 3 – Ensure you’re clear on where you want to take your team and practice.
Clear leadership allows you to define exactly what it is you want to achieve and ensures that you utilise the skills each team member has to help you reach your goal.
Tip 4 – Honest and open feedback is key to building successful and strong relationships with your peers.
By ensuring open debates and discussions are part of your team’s working day you can help increase team morale and positivity. What’s more, open discussion and debates help to banish the likes of idle gossip between team members.
Tip 5 – “Define what it is that is expected of their roles.”
A successful team will have clear, up-to-date job descriptions which defines exactly what it is their roles entail.
Looking for more advice on building a great team? Well there’s plenty more articles available in our Resource Library.