If small niggles of dissatisfaction about your current dental membership plan provider have set in, but the thought of switching provider gives you sleepless nights, then it’s all too easy to ‘forget’ about it for another year.
It’s a story that we hear time and time again when practice owners think they’re ready to make the change to a plan that’s better suited to their business. Although they are ready to move away from their existing provider, their perception of how much hassle it will cause them, the team and the business, along with the thought of getting the team members and patients on-board, holds them back from making the decision to change.
The great news is that, by choosing the right provider to move to, these fears can be overcome, the transition can be much more straightforward than first thought and the benefits to your business can be huge.
Practices who have switched to us certainly tell us this is the case, and these are the top five benefits they have seen by making the transition:
Becoming a more sustainable business through receiving full and unrivalled business support
Let’s face it, when most practitioners went to University to study as a dentist, that’s exactly what they wanted to be, wasn’t it? Throughout the student and early days as a qualified young dentist, time would have been focused on becoming a better clinician and giving great patient care, not on running a business.Fast forward a few years and the dream of owning a practice is realised, but running a business and managing a team eats into the time that could be spent clinically delivering the dentistry that you trained to do.
A good membership plan provider should work with you and for you, freeing up your time to focus on dentistry and provide all the dentistry business support you need, all in one place.
This is what our clients say they receive from us – access to the most current business advice from trusted advisers, a library of resources to reference, the most up-to-date courses that tackle current issues and practical advice that can be implemented straight away, all designed to help them become a more profitable and sustainable business.
Building a strong bond with patients by taking back their identity and control of their business
It’s your name above the door and it’s you and your team that your patients come to see and have a relationship with, so why shouldn’t your membership plan reflect your own identity and not a third party? Working with a plan provider who helps you build a plan branded to your practice bonds patients to you and your team, so they feel a part of your practice and not just a number in a larger organisation. Additionally, taking more control of your membership plan places you firmly in charge, allows you to make the important decisions but still be safe in the knowledge that ‘backstage’ your provider is still on hand to give you all the support you need, whenever you need it.
What’s more, we’ve supported hundreds of practices in creating and developing their brand to reflect the direction they want to take their practice in – just another thing they didn’t have to worry about when making the switch.
A personal service from an experienced team
Working in a dental practice, you’re in the business of delivering a personal service, so don’t you think you deserve to be treated as an individual too? You and your practice team aren’t the same as the practice at the other end of town, so why should you put up with a membership plan that’s labelled as ‘one size fits all’? Switching to a membership plan that treats you as an individual and introduces you to a support team of people that have worked in the dental industry for years, means that not only do they speak the same language as you, but they’ve got YOUR interests at heart.
The confidence to promote your brand with specialist creative design
Chances are you’re not experienced with design, or, if you are, you probably haven’t got the hours spare to put in the work to get a polished and professional result. So, why not look for a membership plan provider that has an in-house design and practice marketing team that can help and guide you with creating and developing your brand? Having access to this kind of service means you’ll be able to, and have the support to, promote your practice’s membership plan in the most effective way possible.
Security in knowing their transition will be seamless and hassle-free
No-one wants sleepless nights over the thought of making a change to their business, especially when the support you need to help you to get there easily is available. Don’t get us wrong, making such a huge change to your business structure is a big deal and can be tricky, but with the right support, guidance and a team with a track record in successfully getting you to where you want to be, it can be a whole lot simpler. Practice owners who have made the transition to us have really valued the experience our team brought to, not just the transition but their business as a whole. They’ve said that they felt they were in a safe pair of hands knowing we had the skills, ability and experience to make their transition simple and stress-free which allowed them to focus on the benefits and bright future of their practice.
So, if you’re thinking about moving away from your current provider, why not give us a call on 01691 684165 to see how we can make the transition as simple and pain-free as possible or email us at businesssupport@practiceplan.co.uk