13 Jul 2022  •  Blog, Mental Health  •  3min read By  • Gary Nelson

New World Juggling

Practice Plan Area Manager, Gary Nelson muses on how we’re still juggling, but in a different world.

Let me begin if I may with one of my favourite quotes…

‘Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you

look back, everything is different’ ~ C.S.Lewis 

Recently, I finally got to go on my 2020 Easter Holiday and boy did I need it! Boy did I enjoy it and I certainly didn’t want to get back on that plane home.

It was the first proper (and almost Covid-normal) break away from the world for nearly two and a half years.

It gave me time to think, it gave me time to read and it gave me time away from the never-ending cycle of negative news. A complete rest for the brain.

On the way back, thinking started to wonder….

Are we all looking for the dental world to go back to where we were pre-2020?

It was a dental world faced with fewer problems than these last two years. It was, wasn’t it?

It may well have had fewer problems, but there were still many situations and problems to juggle in any given month. Or are we all looking upon the past with rose tinted spectacles?

If you can allow yourself to think back. The past has always been littered with issues and problems to navigate:

  • RQIA/ CQC inspections for the first time
  • IRMER regulatory changes
  • Employment laws constantly changing
  • HMRC and tax changes
  • Marketing for new patients
  • Increased bureaucracy
  • Growing pains for each practice
  • New hoops to jump through every year.

The list is endless.

It was always juggling, we always had to juggle, we always will have to juggle but there is one key difference.


The last few years have caused a tiredness brain fog for many, and if each and every one of us doesn’t take a complete break from the world, we cannot juggle properly or juggle at all.

Juggling is part of life and we are in a new world of juggling.

Please though, I urge you, if you want to juggle properly take a break, take a proper break, not just long weekends here and there.

You will be able to see things clearer and visualise those juggling moments more easily. It’s all just juggling, only now, in a new world.

Now take the time to recharge those batteries properly!

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