The year was 1988, Bros were number 1 and I was a 15 year old schoolboy being asked what I wanted to do for a career. Our careers officer was called Mr Simms. All I can remember is that he had broken glasses on and spoke in a very North Walian accent, ‘So Cartwrigghhhttt, what you looking to doooo after schooooool?’ I had always enjoyed drawing, so I replied, ‘Something to do with art, sir?’
So, within the next week I was at Prontaprint doing work experience. Remember, this was the late 80s and the use of computers in design was something of a new venture. In fact, they had just one computer in the corner and a huge printing press in the back room.
Upstairs were three desks with drawing boards and no computers. The first project I was given was to design a cover for a health and safety booklet. Being 15, and not knowing ANYTHING about how design worked or even what it was, I was a bit reluctant to do it but never the less, I sat down at the drawing board and started to draw the cover.
In a typical teenage mood, I huffed and puffed and drew about ten covers in quick succession. At this point the two designers that worked there looked over my shoulder, ‘You done this before lad?’ one said. ‘No,’ I responded. ‘Well, you’re a natural’. To me, I was just drawing, but a wry smile appeared on my face. I was chuffed! During the rest of my week at the company, I ended up creating two logos and another cover. I just found it easy.
I’m a very firm believer in drawing your ideas on paper first, no matter how small the project. Whether it’s the layout of your surgery, the marketing within your waiting room, ideas on how you’d like your practice to run from day to day or even how you’d like to structure your practice team; getting your ideas down on paper is a simple way to help you and your staff understand where you strive to be.
And the above is exactly where we start when you contact us about your business marketing needs. It just goes to show how some brief sketches can lead to a whole host of great new marketing!
As for me… well, it will come as no great surprise that I ended up being a Graphic Designer and that 25 years down the line, I still love my job and the industry itself.